<aside> 💡 Quick Note: Though all the members have a part in every step of the process, the primary responsibilities define the area where they contributed the most.


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Neelay Ramdas Waghchoure

Primary responsibilities: Compilation of interview questionnaire and managing the follow-up questions to be asked to get more insights out of the interview, and designing the low fidelity prototype with Figma.

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Palavi Vinod Bhole

Primary responsibilities: Conducting interviews and taking notes using Otter.io, transcribing the information obtained from interviews in Miro, co-ordinating the task with the team members using google sheet.

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Pratheep Kumar Chelladurai

Primary responsibilities: Categorizing the research data through affinity diagram and designing the high fidelity prototype with Figma.


Rohith Paul Lakkena

Primary responsibilities: Analyzing the research results and creating personas that reflect users' goals and pain points.

Our Covenants


  1. We will hold a regular meeting every other week on Thursday either through zoom or in-person. Additional meetings can be scheduled based on the requirement and the agreement of all team members.
  2. All team members are expected to attend the team meetings unless they are sick or in an emergency.
  3. Everyone should actively contribute to the team discussions happening on Slack & My Courses.
  4. Team members will pitch in to help whenever the other team member is facing problems completing the work assigned or when we are behind schedule.
  5. Everyone will be given an equal chance to share their ideas and feedback. we value constructive feedback.
  6. We will never get emotionally attached to the design ideas we make/suggest. This rule is mainly to ensure that we design for the users and not for us (teammates).
  7. And finally, most importantly, we recognize and celebrate individual and team accomplishments. 😁

Grounds for expulsion

A team member not following the above-mentioned rules and acting disrespectfully with the team members would be first considered for a clear explanation of the action.

If the behavior continues, then this will lead to expulsion from the group.